About DorkScan

This web application is designed to provide an interactive and efficient way for users to explore Google Dork queries, particularly useful for bug bounty hunters and students. The tool features a role-based selection system, allowing users to choose between two predefined roles: "Bug Bounty & Red Team" and "Student." Depending on the chosen role, the application generates relevant Google Dork queries tailored to the user's needs. For bug bounty hunters, these queries focus on uncovering vulnerabilities like XSS, SQL injection, and open redirects, while students receive queries related to free educational resources and research materials.

The application offers a customizable search experience, where users can combine predefined dorks with their own search terms, making it easy to gather information or exploit vulnerabilities. A simulated terminal displays the generated dorks in real-time, allowing users to easily copy or execute them directly via a clickable link. Additionally, the tool features a search bar for personalized input, dynamically generating Google Dork queries based on the user's selections.

Designed with a clean, responsive interface, the application works seamlessly across various devices, ensuring an optimal user experience. The minimalist layout, featuring a transparent header and modern typography, keeps the focus on functionality while maintaining an intuitive design. Overall, this web tool simplifies the process of using Google Dorks for web reconnaissance, research, and ethical hacking, offering an accessible solution for both security professionals and learners.